hibiscus tea benefits for skin and hair

Hibiscus Tea Benefits for skin and hair


In This article , we will see the hibiscus tea benefits for skin ,hair, periods, weight loss and much more.
Hibiscus tea is usually refer as a Herbal tea. It does not consider as a tea because it does not come from the tea plant like black tea or green tea.
Herbal is filled with multiple health benefits that's why it come into existence and getting popular .

Other drinks made from the hibiscus plant include:

  • Red sorrel (in Mexico)
  • Agua de Jamaica (in Mexico)
  • Lo-Shen (in China)
  • Sudan tea (in Arabic countries)
  • Sour tea (in African countries)
  • Karkade (in Europe)

Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

1. Reduce Cholesterol:

Research published in 2011 compared the results of consuming hibiscus versus black tea on cholesterol levels.
Ninety people with high blood pressure consumed either hibiscus or black tea twice a day for 15 days.
After 30 days, neither group had meaningful changes in their LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels. However, both groups had significant increases in their total and HDL or “good” cholesterol levels.
However, other studies have shown mixed results. A reviewTrusted SourceTrusted Source published in 2013, found that drinking hibiscus tea did not significantly decrease cholesterol levels.
Other studies, including a 2014 reviewTrusted SourceTrusted Source of a number of clinical trials, showed that consuming hibiscus tea or extract increased good cholesterol and decreased bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Better quality studies are still needed to investigate the impact of hibiscus consumption on cholesterol levels.

2. Lower High Blood Pressure:

There are studies which shows that consuming Hibiscus Tea beneficial in lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

It helps in reducing the risk of high blood pressure and midlevel blood pressure . 

According to the study in 2010 buy the nutritionist , Participant consume 8 ounce of serving of hibiscus tea for 6 weeks daily , which reduced the risk of high blood pressure in and mid level blood pressure in the participants.

Hibiscus is a vasorelaxant as it relaxes the tension on the walls of blood vessels; therefore, it may lower blood pressure. However, more studies on humans are required to check if hibiscus tea may lower blood pressure. 

3. Nutrition

Nutritional Component  Value 
Water  99.6 g 
Iron   0.08 mg 
Potassium  20 mg 
Calcium  8 mg 
Phosphorous  1 mg 
Magnesium  3 mg 
Zinc  0.04 mg 
Potassium  20 mg 
Manganese  0.477 mg 
Sodium  4 mg 
Vitamin B3 (niacin)  0.04 mg 
Vitamin B9 (folate)  1 µg 
Choline  0.4 mg 

4. Weight Loss

Some studies shows the positive effect of consuming hibiscus tea in reducing weight. It helps in controlling cholesterol level which led to the result of reduction in weight or weight management, Also helps in reducing risk of obesity. 

Although their are more further studies need to be done to be sure about the result of weight loss by consuming Hibiscus tea.

5. Anti-Oxidants

Antioxidants are molecules that help protect against compounds called free radicals, which can damage your cells.

Hibiscus is rich in powerful antioxidants and may therefore help prevent damage and disease caused by the buildup of free radicals.

An Animal study find that hibiscus extract helps protecting against free radicals which damage cells in rats.

However, these studies used concentrated doses of hibiscus extract rather than hibiscus tea. More research is needed to determine how antioxidants in hibiscus tea may affect humans.

6. Improve Blood Fat Level

Some studies found that hibiscus extract helps in improving blood fat level ,which is a risk factor for heart disease in human body.
Although many research have mixed result and doesn't show any result about improvement in blood fat level but some found positive result in certain condition .
However there is a need of more deep research on this.

7. Good For Liver

The functions of liver are  -such as producing proteins, secreting bile, and breaking down fat — that are essential to your overall health.
Consumption of Hibiscus tea may helps in promoting overall health of Liver and help in better and efficient functioning of your liver.

A study in hamsters also demonstrated the potential liver-protecting properties of hibiscus extract, showing that treatment with hibiscus extract decreased markers of liver damage

A small 2014 study in 19 people with overweight found that taking hibiscus extract for 12 weeks improved liver steatosis. This condition is characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver, which can lead to liver failure.

However, all these studies assessed the effects of hibiscus extract rather than hibiscus tea. Further research is necessary to find out how hibiscus tea affects liver health in humans.

8. Reduce risk of certain cancer

A study by Lin et al. in 2011 showed that hibiscus tea might act against cancer. The polyphenols like catechin may be an antioxidant and act against free radicals. Additionally, the polyphenols may inhibit the prostate tumour and deactivate the cancerous cells. However, more studies on humans are required to check the anti-cancer effect of hibiscus tea. Therefore, you must immediately consult your doctor if you suspect it instead of self-medicating. 

Hibiscus tea benefits for skin

Hibiscus tea for skin

Hibiscus is known to be one of the  acclaimed herbs for skin health. It  nourishes your skin and make it smooth ,healthy, and glowing . You can just get all the benefits of hibiscus flower by using as a tea.

Here are some benefits given below:

1. Even Skin Tone:

Due to the slightly exfoliating effect of the organic acids found in the plant, including citric acid and malic acid, Hibiscus helps to speed up cell turnover, resulting in a more even looking skin tone.

2. Anti-ageing Properties:

One of the most powerful anti-ageing plant actives, Hibiscus has a great reputation for increasing skin elasticity to give a stunning natural youth-boost.
With the incredible ability to inhibit the activity of the enzyme elastase, which is responsible for breaking down our skin’s precious elastin, Hibiscus helps to slow the visible signs of ageing by firming and lifting your skin.

3. Intense Moisture Boost:

Hibiscus has a naturally high mucilage content, a sticky substance produced by plants that help with the storage of water and food.

Mucilage makes a fantastic natural skin moisturiser that is gentle on sensitive skin. This high mucilage content of Hibiscus enhances the skin’s ability to retain moisture, which is a key factor in retaining a youthful complexion.

The naturally moisture rich qualities of Hibiscus helps skin stay hydrated, soft and supple for longer, keeping dry, dull skin at bay.

4. Purify Your Complexion:

Hibiscus contains gentle acids that have a slight exfoliating effect on the skin.
this Hibiscus benefit can encourage an all round fresher, younger, smoother looking complexion.

The natural acids present in Hibiscus help to purify your skin by breaking down dead skin and increasing cell turnover, they can even help to control acne breakouts.

Unlike harsh synthetic forms of these acids which can strip your skin of its natural oils, the organic acids from Hibiscus bring your skin back in balance for a naturally gorgeous, glowing complexion.

Hibiscus tea benefits for hair

Hibiscus tea benefits for hair

Hibiscus is known to be one of the  acclaimed herbs for Hair health.
It Nourishes your hair and make them healthy, strong, thick, shiny and long.

Here are some benefits given below:

1. Helps in Hair Growth:

The vital component responsible for hair growth is called collagen. As Hibiscus tea is rich in vitamin C that helps in the production of Collagen leads to increase in the hair growth. It helps in making your hair healthier and stronger. It also promote the growth of the hair follicles  on the bald spots.

2.Conditions hair

Another benefits of hibiscus tea for hair is that it conditions the hair and manage your dry hair problem efficiently. It has amino acids that helps in making your hair healthy, shiny and thicker.

3. Treats Dandruffs

Another benefits of hibiscus tea for hair is that it helps in fighting dandruff. As your scalp oil gland produce oil and leads to dandruff and itchy scalp. Hibiscus tea have anti dandruff property helps your oil gland to not produce excessive oil .

4. control premature Greying

The antioxidants and vitamins present in hibiscus tea helps to produce melanin which are responsible for making your hair black, which leads to controlling premature greying of of your hair.

Hibiscus tea benefits for periods

1. Good For PCOS:

 hibiscus tea is good for PCOS. In fact, it is a great way to help regulate your period and reduce symptoms. PCOS is an endocrine disorder that affects how your body processes hormones particularly estrogen which leads to irregular periods, or no periods at all.

2. Hibiscus Start Period:

Hibiscus can definitely help with period-related symptoms like cramps and bloating. It's also great for PMS because it has high levels of vitamin C, which helps regulate hormone production.

So yes! Hibiscus tea can encourage your period. In fact, drinking hibiscus tea regularly is a great way to help your body prepare for menstruation.

3. Good for Female Fertility:

Hibiscus is not just good for female fertility—it's actually a superfood! Hibiscus tea has been used for centuries to help with menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding, and it's even thought to help balance your hormones.

4.Hormonal Balance:

Hormonal imbalances can disrupt our menstrual cycles and lead to various discomforts. Hibiscus Tea has been used in traditional practices to restore hormonal balance naturally, supporting overall reproductive health.

5.Manage Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS):

Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) can bring mood swings, irritability, and bloating. Hibiscus Tea can be our go-to remedy during this time. It may help in easing PMS symptoms, calming our emotions, and reducing bloating, allowing us to feel more balanced and comfortable.

Is It ok to drink hibiscus tea daily?

Hibiscus is considered safe when consumed in moderate amounts in tea (2 to 4 cups per day) and foods.

How to Make Hibiscus Tea

A. Ingredients You'll Need

To craft a cup of hibiscus tea that stands out in flavor and aroma, you'll need the following high-quality ingredients:

- Dried Hibiscus Petals  :

 Opt for organically grown dried hibiscus petals to ensure the purest taste and maximum health benefits.

-  Fresh Water : 

Always use fresh, cold water for brewing to achieve the best flavor extraction.

-  Sweeteners (Optional) : 

Natural sweeteners like honey, agave syrup, or stevia can complement the tartness of hibiscus tea if desired.

-  Citrus Slices (Optional) : 

Adding a twist of lemon or orange can enhance the flavor profile of your tea.

B. Brewing Method

Follow these precise steps to create a cup of hibiscus tea that is second to none:

1. Boil Fresh Water : 

Measure one cup of fresh water for each serving of tea and bring it to a boil.

2. Measure Hibiscus Petals : 

For every cup of water, add 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried hibiscus petals to a tea infuser or teapot.

3.  Infusion Process : 

Pour the boiling water over the hibiscus petals and let them steep for 5 to 7 minutes. This allows the petals to release their vibrant color and rich flavor.

4.  Optional Sweetening : 

If you prefer your tea slightly sweetened, add your chosen natural sweetener while the tea is still hot. Stir until fully dissolved.

5.  Cooling and Serving : 

Let the brewed tea cool down for a few minutes. You can serve it over ice for a refreshing iced hibiscus tea or enjoy it warm for a comforting experience.

C. How to serve

Enhance the visual appeal of your hibiscus tea experience by garnishing it with a few dried hibiscus petals and a thin slice of lemon. This elegant touch adds an aesthetic dimension to your tea and makes it even more inviting.

Hibiscus tea side effects

Studies have shown that hibiscus tea is considered safe when consumed adequately. A few side effects of hibiscus tea may be gas, upset stomach, and constipation. If you notice any reaction to consuming hibiscus tea, seek immediate medical attention. Consult your ayurvedic physician who has prescribed it to you. 

Precaution To take with Hibiscus Tea

The following precautions shall be taken before consuming hibiscus tea: 

  • Pregnant and breast-feeding women should be cautious before consuming hibiscus tea.
  • It may not be easy to control blood sugar levels after surgery by consuming hibiscus tea. Therefore, you must avoid drinking hibiscus tea a few days before surgery.

It is advised to consult your doctor before consuming hibiscus tea if you have any pre-existing diseases. 


Overall in Conclusion Hibiscus tea is a healthy option for your health. If you are addicted to black tea then switch it with Hibiscus tea is a healthy option for you. Hibiscus tea gives You a lot of health benefits . You can start consuming Hibiscus tea .it is available at many online store and your nearby stores. You can make hibiscus tea by using fresh petal of hibiscus flower if you want to which is a organic or healthy option too. At last Thanks for reading this  article and if you like it you can comment down and tell me how you like it . 

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