How To Reduce Hair Loss - 10 Tips to Stop Hair Loss

How To Reduce Hair Loss  - 10 Tips to Stop Hair Loss


Hair loss which is also known as alopecia (Scientifically) is a common problems with today’s lifestyle. Hair   loss can affect any part of the body, But the head(scalp) is the common part of hair less. Hair loss affect    the person psychologically and physically too. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent. It can be the    result of hormonal changes, heredity, some diseases or can be due to aging.

            The average falling rate is around 90 to 100 hair strands which is normal in humans because when they   fall new hair strands grow at that place. When this falling rate is increased and growing rate decreases is the sign   that hair loss is happening. Some people don't care about the running off of their hairs.  Some   people use makeups, hats etc. to hide their baldness.


Hair Loss,cHair Fall,

Symptoms hair loss

There are such symptoms of Hair loss which is result of some diseases or some your sedentary lifestyle or can be due to lack of nutrition.

Some symptoms of hair loss are given below:           

1. Thinning of Hair:

            Hair thinning is the most common symptoms of Alopecia(baldness) in male and females. It may be at the top of the head of males and females.


2. Bald spot Patches:

Hair fall prevention immediately
   The hairs are losing at some circular spot on your head. some 
patches will create anywhere on  the scalp. Mostly there is only 1 round patch spot but patches can be multiple in numbers in severe conditions.


Excessive hair loss, clinic near me
3. Losing more Hair strands:

Losing more hair strands every time you comb your hair or flaunt your hairs. After taking shower you losses much high number of hair strands.


4. Shifting of Hair Line:

 This is the common symptoms of losing hair. In Males, hairline shifted upward and most common is the generation of M- shape structure in the front of the scalp. In Females, mostly it is just shifting of hairline upward.



There are some causes that why hair loss is happening-      

1. Genetics or Heredity problem:

The Hair loss in some people may be due to the heredity of your family. It scientifically called as "complex polygenic disease" where Your body's immune system attack your hair follicles by assuming that they are foreign elements by mistakes which result to losing of hairs.

2.  Lack of Nutrition:

Your Hairs are made up of Protein named as "Keratin". And other nutrients like Omega   -Fatty Acids, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Zinc, Iron and Water. If you are not getting enough required nutrients for your    hairs they start losing strength and gradually leads to hair thinning or hair loss.

3. Health Condition:

            If You are suffering from some diseases which affects your hairs like cancer.

4. Hormonal Changes:

            Hair loss can be due the hormonal changes in the body of females due to pregnancy,   menopause etc. Hair loss variety can be temporary or permanent.

5. Stress &Trauma:

If you are doing a task which is stressed you out can be a reason of hair loss. And if someone is passed through any accident trauma or something can also cause hair loss.  

6. Due to Side-effects:

Hair loss can be caused due to the side effects of the medication, supplements etc.



 There are some prevention advices which are really important to take care of your hair and prevent hair loss:

1. Never comb or pull Your Hair while they are wet cause they are weak when they are wet.

2. You Should do Gentle Head massage with oil on your scalp once or twice in a weak. Oil used  Should be according to your scalp which suits you.

3. protect your hair from excessive heat, ultraviolet rays. 

4. Never use chemical products on your hairs they will your hair. Shampoo used should be mild or made up of organic things.

5. keep your body hydrated which is good for protein production and eventually helps in  growing healthy hairs.

6. Always eat nutrient rich diet.

7. Do Exercises or Yogasana regularly which increase blood flow in your whole body and in every part of your body.

8. Never tie your hair too tight, it can break your hair and shift your hair-line.

9. Don't wash your hair with Hot Water, Lukewarm or normal water can be used.


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